The synonyms of the word “sort”.
The correct form of the sentence:
My father … the guitar when he was younger.
The sentences with the word:
The sentence:
I don’t like stories … have unhappy endings.
The correct variants:
My friends … buy a boat.
The proper preposition:
Look … the picture … page 37.
The proper answers :
Why are you going to the shop?
The correct answers :
— How are you?
Sentences in Real Conditional are:
The task ... by our English teacher .
Математическая грамотностьГрамотность чтенияИстория КазахстанаБиологияГеографияМатематикаРусский язык и литератураФизикаВсемирная историяАнглийский языкНемецкий языкФранцузский языкХимияЧеловек. Общество. Право.